We are proud and thankful of the support of
our past prestigious partners.
- Financial contribution
- Book or offer a conference
- Sponsorship
- Volunteer your expertise
- Research and development: Interactive content for international mindfullness
- Website development design and navigation
- An Indigogo or Kickstarter campaign
- Digitalizing book content and 10 000 slides
- The next phase of our world research
- To sponsor Helene Tremblay’s conference in a school of her next destination or a country of your choice
- Adequate technical equipment and human resources
They have
Since 1983
UNICEF – The United Nations Children’s Fund
UNFPA – United Nations Fund for Population Activities
UNIFEM – United Nations Fund for Women
FAO – Food and Agricultural Organization
IFAD – International Fund for Agriculture Development
UNESCO – Decade for Cultural Development and Education for a Culture for Peace
CIDA – Canadian International Development Agency
Foreign Affairs of Canada
L’Agence de la Francophonie
The ministry of International Relations of Québec
The European Community – Social Affairs Division
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs of Sweden
Le Ministère de la Coopération, France
Ligue Francaise de l’Enseignement et de l’Education Permanente , France
Institut de l’Enfance et de la Famille, France
Ministry of the Family, Luxembourg
NORAD – Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
United Nations Secretariat for the International Year of the Family

“My own hope is that this book can end up in every school. It is a very unique bridge and I cannot tell you how pleased I am with this end product.”
“If there is a collection of books everyone should have in their homes it is Families of the World, then maybe we could learn stories about each other that would spark our empathy and let us better understand the value of human diversity.”
“It has had a marvellous reception. Many teachers have written or phoned to say how wonderful they think it is. We are very appreciative of all the work you put into the project.”
UNDP – United nations Development Programme
WFP – World Food Programme
DPI – United Nations Department of Public Information
IPS – Inter Press Service
The Asia Society, USA
The American Forum for Global Education (NGO)
Canada, Save the Children (NGO)
Ligue Francaise de l’Enseignement et de l’Education Permanente, France (NGO)
Stageline Canada
The Samuel & Saidye Bronfman Foundation, Canada Home Foundation, Netherlands
VSB Funds, Netherlands
Compton Foundation, USA
Fondation Paul et Emile Léger, Canada
COFACE, Brussels
Thank you to all our friends who have contributed – what they could day after day – and have also allowed this project to continue for the last 3 decades. We might not say it enough but thank you! thank you! thank you!
Contact us: helenetremblay.humanity@gmail.com