RISE with the ‘Let’s Meet on Earth’ Journey….
We develop by being inspired. Here we learn from each other and lessons from every humane tale make us erudite and empathetic.
The realities of human existence RISE your ‘self ‘ awareness and realigns you to a sense of purpose, a sense that goes way beyond imaginary divides.

Our Categories
Through our categories you will travel through the similarities of issues we share and through what unites us all in our daily life. We will be inspired by those who build beauty in their life. Everyone’s notion of beauty is different but always reaches you. Through beauty we can transform the world.
The world economy and traditions affect continuously people’s daily life. Changes in the environment are creating a great impact all over the world. Families worldwide have always wanted better for their children through education and their knowledge has brought young people’s search for freedom and justice.This is transforming our societies.
In the section recipe we will highlight people’s creativity and the simple ideas they had to make their life easier and more enjoyable. It can be tools invented, cultural ways with food, a good and simple kitchen recipe. Ideas other people might want to adapt in their own life.