Within the cow live thousands of gods

Gowda is out of school to help with the paddy harvest. He helps in the yard and Dana helps in the house. Morning and night bullock, cow and calves are transferred and he must clean the space of the manure before they are moved from their night shelter under the house’s lean to. Then he must bring what he picks up in the street dead end. It will later be used as fertilizer. Katte Doddi, the 1300 people, village has agreed to bio-farming. At least to try it and it is known that many do not collaborate with the organization that promotes best farming practices.

Gowda does not have tools but uses his hands. He pulls his jacket sleeves as high as possible toward his elbows and brings grass to help him pick up the manure. The look on his face is enough to say that this world is not the dream of his life. He might have forgotten that within the cow live thousands of gods that feed the people. Picking up their manure with one’s hands is an honour and a privilege Gowda would rather live without! However, the children when asked, do it without fuss.

The Young
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