A sealer and fisherman, Kristian is proud of his independence and tradition. He is however determined to give himself good conditions of life and he succeeds. Everyone in the region knows that Kristian is a hardworking man and is talked about as a model of an Inuit who, adapted to the modern needs of surviving. Traditional seal hunting, however, is what Kristian Iikes to do most and he cannot resist it when the sun shines; that the sea is like a mirror and hunting is at its best. Like a cry from the heart, these days attract not only him but pulling even the workers out from the factories. This is what they have learned to do as a child to survive.
In winter Kristian hunts with his sons and their dogs and with his motor boat in summer. StiII today, it is seal meat that constitutes the family’s main food and it is from the seal that Regine makes Kritian’s winter clothing. -No European clothes can replace their warmth.” they both say.