She would have liked to go to school
Most of the courtyard’s children are still too small to attend school and it is too late for the girls like Saly, Aramatou and Sofiatou. They are getting close to marrying age. At 14, Sofiatou is exactly the age Sanata was when she arrived as second wife and says she does not like the idea of leaving her family. Aramatou who seems to have inherited her father’s never-ending smile does not hide the fact that she would have liked to go to school.

“It has been difficult to convince my father to send two boys to school”
Ladji walks to the school to register Arne and Mamoutou. Enrolment is every two years for the three classes with the two teachers and it is the last day to do so. “If one day one of my sons becomes a scholar or has an important position I will be happy,” says Ladji.“It has been difficult to convince my father to send these two to school.” Soulouman Malle does not like these changing times and did not agree in taking manpower away from the fields.